More pictures and stuff......

Well, we are still at home. Fortunately, I have had 1 of the vaccines so far! Looking forward to getting back to some kind of normal soon.

I did pretty well prior to Christmas and I did a few outdoor shows……that were allowed :) Shemer’s Gift Shop Artist Showcase 12/5 turned out well and it was a beautiful venue and day out on their patio. They had a good turnout of customers and vendors.

I also did an “Art Crawl” 12/13 that was put on by the Coronado Neighborhood Assn. We displayed our “wares” out in our own yards, a map was emailed to the Assn. members and they took the “tour.” Wow, I did well and people came out on bikes, cars and walking their dogs. I hope they continue to do this every year. A great way to meet the neighbors, too! The previous art market they had in the fall was also a success for me which was held at the Coronado community garden.

I added a few pictures of the horse sculptures I created….something new but much more time-consuming to make. If anyone visits this website, please let me know what you think…………:)))))

I have contacted a few local gift shops regarding consignment, but no one is taking product due to the low sales right now. I think once this pandemic gets “better” people will venture out and start to make up for lost time………..